Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Charity delay death

Charity delay death

I heard of, "Mr. Muhammad Rizvi" (1) as saying: The disease intractable introduced to his uncle, "Mirza Ibrahim Mahallati" even despaired doctors treat, he asked us to transfer news of his illness to the world the Lord, "Sheikh Mohammed Jawad Alipidabadi" who was one of his friends, so we sent him a telegram to Isfahan and told him the intractable illness, Vojabna: immediately believe him in the amount of two hundred Toman God to heal him through care. Although this amount of time is great, but we Jhznah and distributed over the poor cured "Mirza" immediately afterwards.
Then disease, "Mirza" (2) again severe disease and despaired of it doctors, took the initiative to tell "Alipidabadi" telegram, but he did not answer, until he died, "Mirza Mahallati" from his illness this, I discovered that the reason for not answering is a solutions-term imperative, which does not pay charity. ***

Learned from this story is two things:

The first: we can by charity for the patient to expedite the recovery, and even delay his death, and we have in this area a lot of accounts of the household of the Prophet (r) talks about the impact of alms in the healing of the sick and delay death and prolong life and pay seventy-section of sections scourge. There are hundreds of stories on the health of the witness, who wishes to see them Please see my book "Pearls news Twisrkane" and "a good word for Nuri."

Second: If the inevitable-term solution and has become the survival of the person contrary to the wisdom of God the inevitable then eliminates the effect of prayer and charity, although survival Thoabhma.


(1) died late Ayatollah Sayed Mohammad Rizvi on 13 November 1387 in Shiraz.
(2) Mirza: His mother was a Hashemite lineage and his father from the public, "the translator."