Wrote the world Galilee and the fears of the late Ayatollah Najafi Alqojani God rest his soul, who was of the students leading to Sheikh al-Khorasani in his memoirs in his thoughts in the time spent in Isfahan, which lasted four years from the year 1314 AH to 1318 AH: After I came to the city of Isfahan, one night, I saw in a dream the face of death in the form of an animal the size of (sheep) at the age of one year with three or four of their young was traveling behind in the air and during its progress passed over our house Bakojan and one of the ewes stood above the wall of our house. I wrote to my father, to send a message to explain to me where his condition I worry about him, what that message is sent and if a letter from my father in which he says that his wife had died. He also wrote: It's ten years ago of the borrowed amount of twelve Toman to pay the expenses of traveling to visit the holy sites, but because of (RIBA) arrived loan to eighty Toman and all that he owns Abe did not reach this amount Vsammt to read visit Ashura for a period of forty days and on the surface Sultan Mosque and the Safavid asked three needs: The first: the performance of a loan and my father. Second: the request for forgiveness. Third: the increase in knowledge and diligence. You'd never read before noon and complete before it disappears back and take a read two hours when he was forty days, and after about a month I wrote a parent: that of Imam Musa Bin Jaafar peace be upon him led loan on I wrote to him: No Imam Hussein, peace be upon him tool, all light one. As Wright speed impact the visit to defecating in things difficult and reassured my heart on its impact in the district meet her needs resolved in the days of the month of Muharram Sacred zero to read the visit for a period of forty days to the need of the most important I used to go up on the roof of the Mosque of Sultan interest to many and reservists fully taking into account the Qiblah and the universe under the sky and after days and seal forty Wright in a dream missionary got to say what you mean in the morning in my heart found a special and wrote these verses: (by Persian and written in Arabic only for translation) The time for narrow manifested satisfaction And strong tree patience gave fruit Be the ball and subjected landslide Fezlma night go if the back of the moon