Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Visit Ashura and raise metaphysical difficulties commands!

Visit Ashura and raise metaphysical difficulties commands!

Wrote the late argument Islam and Muslims, Mr. ... One well-known scholars in the city of Isfahan in his memoirs: inspired in a dream one night to give $ 45,000 Toman to ... (Gentleman from the people of the city of Isfahan) and did not mention his name. On the morning of the second day Thirt at work, including ordered him in a vision, whether it was what I understood is true or not was not me aware as much as I own money and to count my money and I've found 45,000 Toman went to the shop that gentleman in the first chance I had Fright two people in front of his shop and I said the shopkeeper: I have a need and I hope that you come with me somewhere and go back quickly took him to the Mosque of the Prophet actually in the street (LG) and was in the mosque workers and masons for Reconstruction sat in one of the corners of the mosque towards the Qibla and I said to him: ordered to lift up your anguish and dilemma that you're in now I should explain to me your problem insisted upon, but he refused to say anything and eventually gave him the money did not lower his amount Vanthb man in tears, he said: a loan of $ 45,000 Toman and vowed to read visit Ashura 40 times every morning after Fajr prayer and today completed the final reading