Wednesday, April 10, 2013

That the transfer of Katyusha rockets from its place?

 That the transfer of Katyusha rockets from its place?
Roy Lee fighters of the Islamic Resistance in Lebanon, said: We were a group of fighters in a particular place and we were Msalin firing rockets Katyusha rockets against the enemy has ordered the transfer of a group of rockets from one place to another and we were tired too and this was it has come to us for the night we transferred five or six of rockets and left the rest for the morning because we were tired too as I mentioned Venmana and we woke up morning at dawn prayers to pray and do the work required of us Vsalina and let our Lord to victory for us and help us to remember all the intensity that makes Kid enemy in the throat and we went to our work we found the missiles have been moved to the desired place and was their number ((40)) rockets, but we did not know until now, who did this work!