Thursday, April 4, 2013

Israeli aircraft in the fall and Valley "Mariameen"

 Israeli aircraft in the fall and Valley "Mariameen"
Was consistently fighters and insurgents is prayer and supplication to God Almighty This is the real power that they Echtznnounaa they were also conservative on every prayer if they are in the most difficult things and the most and there was a resistance of believers in Allah and His Messenger, and loving Ahl al-Bayt had begun to perform prayer required of it After the prayer worshiped this person prostration long Vgvl which in those prostration, he saw in the world of vision, Mrs. Zahra them peace and Sayeda Zeinab peace be upon her, said Ms. Zahra peace be upon her eagerly: Your Majesty that the aviation Htkna and destroyed our homes and killing our children and women, but do nothing to us?
Mrs. Zahra said to him, peace be upon her: Be patient, victory ally said to her: O my mistress senna Ansarkm, Mahbakm and adherents you and marching through you should not do nothing to us for this flight?!
Said to him, peace be upon her: Be patient, victory ally
He said to her: O my mistress not do anything to us with this airline and if we were shot down one plane to extinguish the fire in our hearts and healed Glellna ..
Says: If a white robe was developed by Mrs. Zahraa for peace in heaven and said to me: Be patient, victory ally
Says: Voafqat of this negligence and if I hear my fall Israeli aircraft in Mariameen Valley verify what she told him Ms. Zahraa for peace from the crash and get victory